1st year | General Astronomy (Kononovich, Postnov, Kuimov) | * | * |
Spherical Astronomy(Blinov) | * | ||
Mathematical Processing(Panteleev) | * | ||
2nd year | Galactic Astronomy (Rastorguev) | * | * |
General Astrometry (Kuimov) | * | ||
3rd year | Practical Astrophysics (Scheglov) | * | |
General Astrophysics (Zasov, Postnov) | * | * | |
Celestial Mechanics (Lukianov) | * | * | |
Course from list of choice | * | ||
Course from list of choice | * | ||
4th year | Theoretical Astrophysics (Lipunov, Bychkov) | * | * |
Geophysics and physics of the planets(Kurt, Panteleev) | * | * | |
Course from list of choice | * | * | |
Course from list of choice | * | ||
History of Astronomy (Eremeeva) | * | ||
5th year (old plan) |
Geophysics and physics of the planets (Kurt, Panteleev) | * | * |
Course from list of choice | * | * | |
Course from list of choice | * | * |
Lecturer | Subject | |||||
B.P.Artamonov | Astrospectroscopy | * | ||||
N.G.Bochkarev | Additional problems in theoretical astrophysics | * | ||||
K.V.Bychkov | Plasma Physics in Astronomy | * | ||||
A.M.Cherepashchuk | Close Binary Stars | |||||
Chermin | Dynamics of Galaxy Groups | |||||
Yu.A.Fadeev | Theory of stellar pulsations | |||||
A.M.Fridman | Nonlinear processes in astrophysical discs | |||||
D.Garuzda | Radioastronomy with VLBA | * | * | |||
E.V.Glushkova | Stars Clusters | |||||
V.K.Konnikova | Practical radioastronomy | * | ||||
E.V.Kononovich | Solar Physics | |||||
V.G.Kurt | Outerspace astronomy | |||||
V.M.Lipunov | Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes | |||||
M.A.Lifshits | Cosmic Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics | |||||
T.A.Lozinskaya | Supernovas in interstellar medium | |||||
A.V.Mironov | Backgrounds of precision photometry of the stars | |||||
G.M.Rudnitskij | Radioastronomy | |||||
N.N.Samus' | Variable stars | |||||
M.V.Sazhin | Cosmology | |||||
B.V.Somov | Cosmic electrodynamics and physics of the sun | |||||
V.G.Surdin | Star Formation | |||||
A.A.Tokovinin | Methods of observations with high angular resolution | |||||
A.V.Zasov | Physics of Galaxies | |||||
K.P.Feoktistov | Spacecrafts for astronomical studies |
Basics of the astronomy. Coordinate systems. Solar System and its population.
The Sun as a star. Stars and constellations. Stellar magnitudes and distances.
Stellar masses, radii, luminosities and temperatures. Color-magnitude diagram
and basics of stellar evolution. Spectral classifications. Two-body problem
and planetary orbits. Kepler laws. The world of galaxies. Irregular, spiral
and elliptic galaxies. Their sizes and luminosities. The elements of cosmology.
Expanding Universe and the Big Bang. Hubble constant. Astronomical instruments.
Telescopes and equipement. Astronomical photography. Concept of stellar
photometry. CCD detectors and its use.
This is introductory course for students of the third year of education
which are familiar with elementary astronomy and general physics. It includes
the next most essentual topics. Physics of interstellar medium. Normal and
degenerate stars. Variable and exploding stars. The Sun. General structure
and global physical processes in our Galaxy and in other galaxies Basic
concepts of the stellar energy sources and of the stellar evolution.
Observational backgrounds. Basics of statistical astronomy. Recent astronomical
catalog. Photometry and light-absorption. Color-magnitude diagrams. Kinematics
of Galaxy. Rotation law. Ogorodnikov-Hilue kinematics and Bottlinger equations.
Radial motions of centroids and spiral structure. Random velocities of the
stars. Galactical structure. Integral equation of stellar statistics and
its solutions. Multicomponent Galaxy models. The consept of stellar populations.
The connection of chemistry, kinematics and structure of galactic subsystems.
Open and global clusters and their role in the study of galactic structure
and evolution. The elements of stellar dynamics.
Basic astrophysical equipment. Optical telescopes. Limiting resolution
and sensitivity for stars and extended objects. Optical aberratioins. The
effects of earth atmosphere. Image quality. "Atmospheric mass"
and the absorbtion of light. Radiation receivers for optical and infrared
ranges. Astronomical photography and plate characteristics. Filters and
the classification of photometric systems. Photographic photometry. Optical
device of the photoelectric photometers. Spectral devices. Echele-spectrograph.
Correlational methods of spectral data analysis. Polarimetry. Spectrophotometry.
Optical interferometers and the radii of stars. CCD-devices in astronomy.
Image processing. MIDAS, IRAF and DAOPHOT programs. Radiotelescopes and
radio receivers. Very long baseline radiointerferometry. Nois and its limitations.
Star clusters classifications. "Color-magnitude" diagram ant
its interpretation. Ages and chemical abundances of star clusrers. Globular
and open clusters as archetypes of the halo and disk of the Galaxy. The
kinematics and dynamics of star clusters.
This lectures are aimed at showing how fundamental physical laws allow
to understand cosmic phenomena and processes in the Universe. The one-year
course includes theory of radiation transfer, theory of internal stellar
structure with account of binary systems with compact comapnions. Basic
physical concepts on the process in the Universe are also considered.
Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
This half-year course is devoted to introducing into modern theory of
astrophysical apperance of black holes and neutron stars. Problems of hydrodynamical
accretion and interaction of astrophysical plasma with electromagnetic field
of magnetized compact stars are considered. Modern models of X-ray and radiopulsars,
X-ray bursters, black hole candidates and other manifestations of neutron
stars and black holes are discussed.
General observational properties of galaxies of different morphological
types, the main sources of radiation at different wavelength. Stellar contets
and evolutionary status of galaxies. Interstellar medium in galaxies and
star formation. Elements of stellar and gaseous dynamics of galaxies. Spiral
structure and its possible origin. Circumnuclear regions and nuclei of galaxies.
9, 10 semester Equilibrium and Stability of the Gravitating Systems.
The elements of stellar dynamics. General equations of collisionless
systems. Flat gravitating systems. Spherical gravitating systems. Rotating
systems with cylindric symmetry. Equilibrium and stability of ellipsoidal
systems. Jeans instability and its manifestation in the physics of galaxies.
Alternative gravitational instabilities. Non-linear effects in gravitating
systems. Spiral structure in galaxies.
4 course 8 semester, 5 course 9, 10 semester Electrodynamics of
Cosmic Plasma. Electromagnetic fields in the Universe. Charged particles
and cosmic plasma in the magnetic field. Megnetic fields of the Earth and
planets. Phisical processes in active phenomena in solar atmosphere. Magnetic
fields of stars and light polarization.
Earth as a planet. Basic consepts of the theory of Earth geometry. Gravitational
field of the Earth. Structure and chemical composition of Earth atmosphere.
Light propagation and spread in the Earth atmosphere. Atmospheric turbulence
and image quality. The equipent for the investigations of earth environnements
and its gravitation field.
Classification of close binaries and their astrophysical manifestation.
Regularization theory and the methods of calculations of binary's physical
parameters. Stellar evolution in close binaries. Relativistic stars in close
binary systems.
History of research. Tools and methods. The Sun as a star. Main parameter
Internal constitution. Evolution. Convection zone and its role for Sun like
stars. Solar atmosphere and its Subdivision. Transient layers. Solar wind.
Solar atmosphere fine structure. Granulation. Supergranulation. Spicules.
Non LTE spectral lines formation. Heloiseismology: principles, methods,
achivements. Structure and dynamics of the solar magnetic fields. Solar
dynamo mechanizms. Solar activity and its atmospheric display. Sunspots,
faculae, prominances, flares, coronal mass ejections. Solar cycle. Properties
and possible mechnizms. Solar-terrestrial relationship.
Observational data, numbers, curves, tables. Interpolation, digital differentiating
and integrating. Statistical theory of errors. Processing of observation
series. Least square method. Elements of theory of correlation. Interval
Systems of coordinates and their's transformations. The time and its
measurement. Precession, nutation and the Earth's poles motion. Aberration
of light. Parallax. Astronomical refraction. Reductional calculations. Fundamental
constants of astronomy.
This course highlights different methods of arrangement of the astronomical
coordinates systems and time scales, and also methods for measuring of coordinates
and velocity components of celestial bodies based on astronomical observations
(including observations from the outer space). Application of the statistical
methods to the analysis of observational data.
Unperturbed motion. Expansions in series of coordinates and velocities
of unperturbed motion. Calculation of ephemerides of celestial bodies. Perturbed
motion. Osculating elements. Methods of solution of the equations of motion.
Restricted problem of three bodies. Main features in the motion of the satellites.