XFree86/OS2 Download Page
Last updated 9 Jan 2000
These HTML pages can be downloaded from SET.GMD.DE (/pub/misc/XFree86OS2/html) by FTP.
This is XFree86 for OS/2, version 3.3.6 You don't have to download all files;
just get the marked required files first, and then read the files and
decide what you further need.
Required files
Update files
Ideally, to update from an older version, you only need the new binary distribution, and a new server from the list below.
However, with some versions more changes might be necessary. Read the README.UPDATE document for more details.
Distribution files (partly required)
X Servers
You normally need only one of these. Check the documentation what you need.
There are two flavours available, the full server and the
small server which does not have the seldomly used PEX, XI, XIE
extensions built in.
- 8514 server, full small (X8514.zip)
- AGX server, full small (XAGX.zip)
- 3DLabs server, full small (XGlnt.zip)
- I128 server, full small (XI128.zip)
- Mach32 server, full small (XMa32.zip)
- Mach64 server, full small (XMa64.zip)
- Mach8 server, full small (XMa8.zip)
- Monochrome server, full small (XMono.zip)
- P9000 server, full small (XP9K.zip)
- S3 server, full small (XS3.zip)
- S3 ViRGE server, full small (XS3V.zip)
- SVGA server, full small (XSVGA.zip)
- General VGA server, full small (XVG16.zip)
- ET4000/W32 server, full small (XW32.zip)
Reply to: Holger.Veit@gmd.de