================================================================ Title : PHOBOS: ANOMALY REBORN levels 1-4 Filename : Par1-4.wad Author : Christopher Lutz Email Address : Chris_Lutz@hotmail.com Homepage : http://members.nbci.com/Chris_Lutz : http://www.doomworld.com/chaoscrew Other Releases : Inferno (inf-lutz.zip) : Caverns of Darkness by the Chaos Crew : (unreleased as of 6/15/2001) Description : The first four levels of Phobos: : Anomaly Reborn, a partial conversion : for Doom/Ultimate Doom. : The story is included in Story.html Additional Credits to : id Software : Joel Murdoch & Mattrim Dixon for : some superb beta-testing. ================================================================ * VERY IMPORTANT NOTE * I am a very visual person, and these levels reflect that in the fact that they are all very detailed. As a result, there are certain portions of each that may run somewhat slowly even on pretty beefy hardware. Regardless, they look like I want them to, so deal with it. I will say that there are always places in which you can fight that shouldn't cause any machine to choke, so you can get by. Also, there two major 3D effects in level 3 which aren't too hard to 'break' if you work at it: the crane and the 3D floor to the left of the map. Play by the rules and you should be fine (though there are ways to reset the effects should you become trapped: run over the end of the extended part of the crane, and just hit the switches again in the elevator for the other one). Files Included: PAR1-4.WAD: The game. Duh. PAR1-4.DEH: Changes the level titles & starts you with 55 health (hey, you *did* crash). STORY.HTML: The story -- it's actually not too bad, really. PAR1-4.TXT: This file. ================================================================ * Play Information * Sourceport : Boom / MBF Game : Ulimate Doom Levels : E1M1 - E1M4 Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (some by me, some taken from Gothic : DM/Gothic DM2, and some by Nick Baker) New Music : No * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch. Editors used : Windeu 5.24, DETH, Wintex Known Bugs : See note above Build Time : A couple months * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this file freely, provided you include all 4 files. Let me know if you want to edit or include sub-portions of these levels in any other project, and I will ponder your request.