June, 1995 Hello! Thanks for downloading DEMONS.ZIP, which contains the following MIDI files: 1) DEMON21T.MID - This is the "21-track" version of DEMONS. This composition contains numerous patch changes which are embedded in various tracks. For those of you who like to assign your own sounds to MIDI tracks, DEMON21T allows you to do this with minimal hassle, because they're split out allowing you to easily find the patch changes. Take a look at the sequence and you'll see what I mean. 2) DEMON16T.MID - This is the "16-track" version of DEMONS. It is (musically) exactly the same as DEMON21T, except that there are only 16 tracks (one for each MIDI channel). Various patch changes are embedded in the tracks, though. I have provided this version because I have heard that some MIDI file players have problems handling MIDI files with more than 16 tracks. If your software has problems with DEMON21T.MID, try this one instead. 3) DEMONS-SB.MID - This is a "Soundblaster 16" version of DEMONS. Lots of folks download MIDI files and play them on Soundblaster compatible sound cards. However, these kinds of cards have more severe polyphony limitations than most wavetable sound cards and synthesizers. Because DEMONS requires more polyphony than SB16-type cards can handle, I have included this version. It is shortened version which has had numerous tracks edited out, but should still make for reasonably fun listening on a SB16-type sound card. All of these various versions of DEMONS are copyright 1995 by Michael Walthius, All Rights Reserved. They are being freely distributed for non-commercial use only. Comments or inquiries may be directed to keybdwizrd@aol.com. As a side note, I should mention that I created this MIDI file after spending altogether too much time playing shoot-em-up action games on my PC. :-) For those of you who acquired DEMONS via America Online, you may be interested to know that I have numerous original compositions available on that service. To find them all, merely search the software libraries using "walthius" (without the quotes) as a search word. On the Internet, my music is available at many ftp and WWW sites, which are too numerous to list. However, I personally maintain a collection of all of my files at: site: ftp.cs.ruu.nl directory: /pub/MIDI/SONGS/GMIDI files: kbwizrd*.zip (Thanks, Piet!) Happy listening - I hope that you enjoy the music! Michael Walthius keybdwizrd@aol.com