@ALBUM: growing.up.in.public Author: Lou Reed Album title: Growing Up In Public @SONG: How Do You Speak To An Angel A son who is cursed with a harridan mother Or a weak simpering father at best Is raised to play out the timeless classical motives Of filial love and incest How does he Speak to a How does he speak to the prettiest girl How does he Talk to her What does he say for an opening line What does he say if he's shy What do you do with your pragmatic passions With your classically neurotic style How do you deal with your vague self-comprehensions What do you do when you lie How do you Speak to a How do you speak to the prettiest girl How do you speak to her How do you dance on the head of a pin When you're on the outside looking in How do you Speak to a How do you speak to the prettiest girl How do you Speak to a How do you speak to the prettiest girl You just say - Hello, hello, hello Baby (Reed, Fonfara) @SONG: My Old Man When I was a young boy in Brooklyn Going to public school During recess in the concrete playground They lined us up by twos In alphabetical order, Reagan, Reed and Russo I still remember the names And stickball and stoopball Were the only games that we played And I wanted to be like my old man I wanted to grow up just like my old man I wanted to be like my old man I wanted to dress like I wanted to be just like I wanted to act like my old man I wanted to be like I wanted to act like I wanted to be just like my old man And then like everyone else I started to grow And I didn't want to be like my father anymore I was sick if his bullying And having to hide under a desk on the floor And when he beat my mother It made me so mad I could choke And I didn't want to be like my old man I didn't even want to look like my old man I didn't even want to seem like my old man A son watches his father Being cruel to his mother And makes a vow to return only when He is so much richer In every way so much bigger That the old man will never hit anyone again Like my old man Like my old man Like my old man Like my old man And can you believe what he said to me He said, "Lou, act like a man" Why don't you act just like a man Act like your daddy Act like a man Why don't you act like a man Like your old man Like my old man (Reed, Fonfara) @SONG: Keep Away You keep your jealousy and your snide remarks to yourself You know that I'm not seeing anyone else You just keep your ear down to the ground Yell your head off if you hear a sound Here's a whistle, a badge and a phone You can arrest me if I'm not at home And if I don't keep my word I swear I'll keep away Here's some books and a puzzle by Escher Here's Shakespeare's "Measure For Measure" Here's a balloon, a rubber band and a bag Why don't you blow them up if you think you've been had Here's a castle, a paper dragon and a moat An earring, a toothbrush and a cloak And if I don't keep my word I swear I'll keep away I swear I'll keep away