| e07. Inner yard in San Croce. |
 | e08. Crucifix in San Croce. |
 | e10. In San Croce. |
 | e11. San Croce. The door. |
 | e12. On Firenze street. |
 | e13. Fiat mini. |
 | e14. Entrance to Istituto oblate del'Assusione from borgo Pinti. |
 | e15. Some of meeting participants, from left to right: ?, Valentina Abramenko, Olga Sheiner, Elena Benevolenskaya. |
 | e16. Some of meeting participants, from left to right: Yuri Tsap, Valentina Abramenko, Olga Sheiner, Sergey Ayukov (me). |
 | e17. Claire Foullon, in the inner yard of palazzo Medici Riccardi. |
 | e19. Me at the piazza di Duomo. |
 | e20. Claire and Firenze. On the Cathedral dome. |
 | e21. Sergey on the Cathedral dome. |
 | e22. Tonight Firenze, as seen from the Duomo cupolae. |
 | e23. Giotto's Bell Tower. |