August 20, Wednesday. Nijo castle. Assembly opening. Maiko. |
![photo](../pic/b34t.jpg) | b34. Nijo castle, Shogun palace. The main building. Comparing to temples and shrines, royal architecture looks modest. |
![photo](../pic/b35t.jpg) | b35. Near the large bell. On the right is Elena Benevolenskaya from St. Peterburg. |
![photo](../pic/b36t.jpg) | b36. Standing in the garden of Nijo castle. |
![photo](../pic/c01t.jpg) | c01. Irina is sitting on warm wooden platform. Note that walls made of paper. |
![photo](../pic/c02t.jpg) | c02. Castle garden. Typical Japanese combination: pond, rocks, trees, moss. |
![photo](../pic/c03t.jpg) | c03. In the garden. |
![photo](../pic/c04t.jpg) | c04. Fence made of bamboo. |
![photo](../pic/c05t.jpg) | c05. Trying to decide whether to walk upstairs to the tower or not. The sun is quickly becoming hot. |
![photo](../pic/c06t.jpg) | c06. View from the tower. You can see broad moat. |
![photo](../pic/c07t.jpg) | c07. A view from the tower to castle garden. |
![photo](../pic/c08t.jpg) | c08. In the castle garden. |
![photo](../pic/c09t.jpg) | c09. Gate. Note the small bamboo clamp in the foreground. |
![photo](../pic/c10t.jpg) | c10. Japanese know how to make beautiful gardens. Really. |
![photo](../pic/c11t.jpg) | c11. Broad lawn. In the garden. |
![photo](../pic/c12t.jpg) | c12. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c13t.jpg) | c13. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c14t.jpg) | c14. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c15t.jpg) | c15. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c16t.jpg) | c16. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c17t.jpg) | c17. Maiko dance (Assembly opening). |
![photo](../pic/c18t.jpg) | c18. In the maiko company. Look at their faces covered with thick layer of lime. |
![photo](../pic/c19t.jpg) | c19. Elena Gavryuseva. |
![photo](../pic/c20t.jpg) | c20. This shot is slightly better than previous. |
![photo](../pic/c21t.jpg) | c21. Alas, Irina isn't in the focus. |