Astronomy and Astrophysics ISSN:
Table of Contents Volume 326 Number 1 (1997)
Letters to the Editor
On the new triple-mode pulsating variable star GSC 4018.1807
Sergey Antipin
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L1-L4 (1997).
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The rotation speed of the companion star in Aquila X 1
T. Shahbaz, J. Casares, and P.A. Charles
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L5-L8 (1997).
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Do the lensing cross-sections of faint galaxies cover the whole sky?
Zong-Hong Zhu and Xiang-Ping Wu
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L9-L11 (1997).
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The DUO single lens candidates
I. The 1994 campaign
C. Alard and J. Guibert
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1-12 (1997).
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Magnetic fields and large scale structure in a hot universe
I. General equations
E. Battaner, E. Florido, and J. Jiménez-Vicente
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 13-22 (1997).
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Post-Newtonian Sachs-Wolfe effect
Eric V. Linder
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 23-28 (1997).
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Cosmological parametrization of gamma ray burst intensity distribution
Eric V. Linder
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 29-33 (1997).
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Extragalactic astronomy
X-ray/optical analysis of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1300: indications of a post-merger at z = 0.31
L. Lémonon, M. Pierre, R. Hunstead, A. Reid, Y. Mellier, and H. Böhringer
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 34-44 (1997).
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Accretion of gaseous disks at high redshifts and the depolarization asymmetry of radio-loud quasars
Gopal-Krishna and Biman B. Nath
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 45-50 (1997).
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A spectral study of gamma-ray emitting active galactic nuclei
M. Pohl, R.C. Hartman, B.B. Jones, and P. Sreekumar
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 51-58 (1997).
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Dense gas in nearby galaxies
X. H2CO and CH3OH: molecular abundances and physical conditions
S. Hüttemeister, R. Mauersberger, and C. Henkel
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 59-68 (1997).
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Near-infrared photometry of the jet of 3C 273
M. Neumann, K. Meisenheimer, and H.-J. Röser
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 69-76 (1997).
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Search for intraday radio variability in EGRET blazars
G.E. Romero, J.A. Combi, P. Benaglia, I.N. Azcárate, J.C. Cersosimo, and L.M. Wilkes
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 77-86 (1997).
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Anisotropic illumination of AGN's accretion disk by a non thermal source
I. General theory and application to the Newtonian geometry
G. Henri and P.O. Petrucci
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 87-98 (1997).
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Anisotropic illumination of AGN's accretion disk by a non thermal source
II. General relativistic effects
P.O. Petrucci and G. Henri
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 99-107 (1997).
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Observations of the 57Fe+23 hyperfine transition in clusters of galaxies
H. Liang, J.M. Dickey, G. Moorey, and R.D. Ekers
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 108-112 (1997).
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On the stability of motion of N-body systems: a geometric approach
A.A. El-Zant
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 113-129 (1997).
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Clues on the nature of Compact Steep Spectrum radio sources from optical spectroscopy
R. Morganti, C.N. Tadhunter, R. Dickson, and M. Shaw
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 130-138 (1997).
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Galactic structure and dynamics
The evolution of the C, N, and O isotope ratios from an improved comparison of the interstellar medium with the Sun
R. Wielen and T.L. Wilson
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 139-142 (1997).
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Stellar clusters and associations
The LMC transition star R 84 and the core of the LH 39 OB association
M. Heydari-Malayeri, F. Courbin, G. Rauw, O. Esslinger, and P. Magain
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 143-154 (1997).
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Formation, structure and evolution of stars
Bernoulli's equation and the contact binaries
John Hazlehurst
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 155-160 (1997).
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On the surface condition for stationary contact binaries
H. Kähler
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 161-164 (1997).
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Stellar activity and the Wilson-Bappu relation
Øystein Elgarøy, Oddbjørn Engvold, and Per Jorås
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 165-176 (1997).
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Rapidly rotating stars with either H burning or He burning core
M. Shindo, M. Hashimoto, Y. Eriguchi, and E. Müller
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 177-186 (1997).
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RX J2115.7 5840: a short-period, asynchronous polar
A.D. Schwope, D.A.H. Buckley, D. O'Donoghue, G. Hasinger, J. Trümper, and W. Voges
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 195-202 (1997).
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Non-linear models for the pulsating post-AGB star SAO 96709: metallic lines
L. Jeannin, A.B. Fokin, D. Gillet, and I. Baraffe
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 203-210 (1997).
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T Tauri stars and the Gould Belt near Lupus
R. Wichmann, M. Sterzik, J. Krautter, A. Metanomski, and W. Voges
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 211-217 (1997).
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A new period for the magnetic white dwarf KPD 0253+5052
S. Friedrich, M. König, and W. Schweizer
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 218-220 (1997).
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Hipparcos distances of X-ray selected stars: implications on their nature as stellar population
G. Micela, F. Favata, and S. Sciortino
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 221-227 (1997).
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The ROSAT bright source RX J0222.4+4729: an active nearby short-period binary of the BY Draconis type
Claude Chevalier and Sergio A. Ilovaisky
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 228-236 (1997).
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Stellar atmospheres
Emission features in Br and Br spectra of normal O and B stars
P.A. Zaal, L.B.F.M. Waters, T.R. Geballe, and J.M. Marlborough
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 237-248 (1997).
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Chromospheric models of dwarf M stars
Pablo J.D. Mauas, Ambretta Falchi, Luca Pasquini, and Roberto Pallavicini
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 249-256 (1997).
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The gravity-brightening effect and stellar atmospheres
I. Results for models with 3700 K < Teff < 7000 K
S.H.P. Alencar and L.P.R. Vaz
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 257-262 (1997).
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A study on solar dust ring formation based on fractal dust models
H. Kimura, H. Ishimoto, and T. Mukai
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 263-270 (1997).
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Mid infrared spectral observations of UX Orionis
H.-G. Reimann, J. Gürtler, C. Friedemann, and H. U. Käufl
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 271-276 (1997).
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Spherically symmetric model atmospheres using approximate lambda operators
III. The equations of statistical equilibrium with occupation probabilities
Ji í Kubát
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 277-286 (1997).
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Chromospheric line blanketing and the hydrogen spectrum in M dwarfs
C.I. Short and J.G. Doyle
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 287-299 (1997).
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Observation of inhomogeneities in the wind of the luminous red supergiant µ Cephei
N. Mauron
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 300-304 (1997).
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Circumstellar dust shells around long-period variables
V. A consistent time-dependent model for the extreme carbon star AFGL 3068
J.M. Winters, A.J. Fleischer, T. Le Bertre, and E. Sedlmayr
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 305-317 (1997).
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A 200 km s-1 molecular wind in the peculiar carbon star V Hya
G.R. Knapp, A. Jorissen, and K. Young
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 318-328 (1997).
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Diffuse matter in space (including HII regions and planetary nebulae)
Millimetre dust emission from northern Bok globules
R. Launhardt and Th. Henning
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 329-346 (1997).
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A molecular line and infrared study of NGC 2264 IRS 1
K. Schreyer, F.P. Helmich, E.F. van Dishoeck, and Th. Henning
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 347-365 (1997).
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HCO+ (J = 4 3) mapping of the molecular disk around IRS 7 in Corona Australis
I.M. Anderson, J. Harju, and L.K. Haikala
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 366-372 (1997).
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IRAS 12553 7651 in Chamaeleon II: a low mass PMS star with a C18O outflow?
L. Olmi, M. Felli, and R. Cesaroni
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 373-385 (1997).
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The Sun
Solar models: influence of equation of state and opacity
M. Y ld z and N. K z loglu
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 187-194 (1997).
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The solar system
A deeper look at resonance trapping
R.S. Gomes
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 427-427 (1997).
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On elliptical polarization of the decametric radio emission and the linear mode coupling in the Jovian magnetosphere
V.E. Shaposhnikov, Vl.V. Kocharovsky, V.V. Kocharovsky, H.P. Ladreiter, H.O. Rucker, and V.V. Zaitsev
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 386-395 (1997).
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Variation of bulk velocity and temperature anisotropy of neutral heliospheric hydrogen during the solar cycle
Maciej Bzowski, Hans J. Fahr, Daniel Ruci ski, and Horst Scherer
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 396-411 (1997).
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Physical and chemical processes
Radiative lifetimes for the 4p excited states of phosphorus and the oscillator strengths of solar lines
U. Berzinsh, S. Svanberg, and E. Biémont
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 412-416 (1997).
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On the use of nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung cross sections in astrophysics
Eberhard Haug
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 417-418 (1997).
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Optics near Kerr black holes: spectra of advection dominated accretion flows
M. Jaroszy ski and A. Kurpiewski
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 419-426 (1997).
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© European Southern Observatory (ESO) 1997
Online publication: September 9, 1997
Last change: April 20, 1998 |