Astronomy and Astrophysics ISSN:
Table of Contents Volume 326 Number 3 (1997)
Letters to the Editor
HST Data suggest proper motion for the optical counterpart of GRB 970228
P.A. Caraveo, R.P. Mignani, M. Tavani, and G.F. Bignami
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L13-L16 (1997).
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Detection of WR stars in the metal-poor starburst galaxy IZw 18
F. Legrand, D. Kunth, J.-R. Roy, J.M. Mas-Hesse, and J.R. Walsh
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L17-L20 (1997).
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Eccentric giant planets in open star clusters
C. de la Fuente Marcos and R. de la Fuente Marcos
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L21-L24 (1997).
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Correlation between variability time scale and X-ray spectral index in AGN
M. König, R. Staubert, and J. Wilms
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L25-L28 (1997).
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On the evolutionary status of Bootis stars using Hipparcos data
Ernst Paunzen
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L29-L32 (1997).
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The radio spectra of galactic nuclei
M. Böttcher, H.-P. Reuter, and H. Lesch
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L33-L36 (1997).
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On the possibility of a tidally excited low-frequency g+-mode in 51 Pegosi
B. Willems, T. Van Hoolst, P. Smeyers, and C. Waelkens
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P L37-L40 (1997).
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Extragalactic astronomy
UV to X-ray spectra of radio-quiet quasars. Comparison with accretion disk models
H. Brunner, C. Müller, P. Friedrich, T. Dörrer, R. Staubert, and H. Riffert
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 885-896 (1997).
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Near-infrared surface photometry of spiral galaxies.
II. Derivation of mass models
Ph. Héraudeau and F. Simien
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 897-906 (1997).
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The visible environment of polar ring galaxies
Chiara Brocca, Daniela Bettoni, and Giuseppe Galletta
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 907-914 (1997).
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Effects of galaxy interaction on the Tully-Fisher relation: CO vs H I linewidths
Y. Tutui and Y. Sofue
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 915-918 (1997).
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Asymmetric depolarization in double low-luminosity radio galaxies
R. Morganti, P. Parma, A. Capetti, R. Fanti, and H.R. de Ruiter
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 919-923 (1997).
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Evidences for an expanding shell in the blue compact dwarf galaxy Haro 2
F. Legrand, D. Kunth, J.M. Mas-Hesse, and J. Lequeux
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 929-935 (1997).
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Stellar populations from adaptive optics observations: four test cases
T.R. Bedding, D. Minniti, F. Courbin, B. Sams
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 936-940 (1997).
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Decoupled nuclei and nuclear polar rings in regular spiral galaxies. NGC 2841
O.K. Sil'chenko, V.V. Vlasyuk, and A.N. Burenkov
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 941-949 (1997).
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PEGASE: a UV to NIR spectral evolution model of galaxies.
Application to the calibration of bright galaxy counts
Michel Fioc and Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 950-962 (1997).
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Gas and dust in the active spiral galaxy NGC 3079
J. Braine, M. Guélin, M. Dumke, N. Brouillet, F. Herpin, R. Wielebinski
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 963-975 (1997).
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Wolf-Rayet stars detected in five associations of NGC 300
J. Breysacher, M. Azzopardi, G. Testor, and G. Muratorio
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 976-981 (1997).
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SN 1995ah: the first supernova observed in a blue compact dwarf galaxy
Cristina C. Popescu, Piero Rafanelli, Stefano Benetti, Ulrich Hopp, Kurt Birkle, and Hans Elsässer
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 982-987 (1997).
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Formation, structure and evolution of stars
The distribution of oxygen on the surface of UMa: an abundance distribution Doppler image
J.B. Rice, W.H. Wehlau, and D.E. Holmgren
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 988-994 (1997).
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On pulsar velocities from neutrino oscillations
Michael Birkel and Ramon Toldrà
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 995-1000 (1997).
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Physics of accretion onto young stars.
II. Structure and evolution of accreting stars
Lionel Siess, Manuel Forestini, and Claude Bertout
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1001-1012 (1997).
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The angular momentum evolution of low-mass stars
J. Bouvier, M. Forestini, and S. Allain
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1023-1043 (1997).
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Photometric versus empirical surface gravities of eclipsing binaries
C. Jordi, I. Ribas, J. Torra, and A. Giménez
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1044-1054 (1997).
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Effects of gravity and density stratification on the asymptotic representation of p-modes in stars
B. Willems, T. Van Hoolst, and P. Smeyers
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1055-1065 (1997).
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Minutes timescale search for a pulsar in SNR 1987 A
T. Narita, H. Ögelman, and C. Gouiffes
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1066-1068 (1997).
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More light on RV Tauri variables
S.C. Russell
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1069-1075 (1997).
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On the near-infrared halo of Elias 1
Martin Haas, Christoph Leinert, and Andrea Richichi
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1076-1080 (1997).
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Solar-type stars with planetary companions: 51 Pegasi and 47 Ursae Majoris
Klaus Fuhrmann, Michael J. Pfeiffer, and Jan Bernkopf
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1081-1089 (1997).
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Coupled long-term photometric and V/R variations in Be stars: evidence for prograde global one-armed disk oscillations
R.E. Mennickent and C. Sterken, N. Vogt
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1167-1175 (1997).
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Stellar atmospheres
On coronal abundances derived with the SAX/LECS and ASCA/SIS detectors
F. Favata, A. Maggio, G. Peres, and S. Sciortino
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1013-1022 (1997).
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EUV spectroscopy of cool stars.
III. Interpretation of EUVE spectra in terms of quasi-static loops
G.H.J. van den Oord, C.J. Schrijver, M. Camphens, R. Mewe, and J.S. Kaastra
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1090-1102 (1997).
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A multiwavelength study of LS II+34026: a hot post-AGB star in the process of becoming a planetary nebula
P. Garcí a-Lario, M. Parthasarathy, D. de Martino, L. Sanz Fernández de Córdoba, R. Monier, A. Manchado, and S.R. Pottasch
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1103-1110 (1997).
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An analysis of emission lines in the spectrum of P Cygni
N. Markova and M. de Groot
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1111-1116 (1997).
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A spectroscopic investigation of P Cygni.
I. H and He I lines
F. Najarro, D.J. Hillier, and O. Stahl
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1117-1134 (1997).
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Zeeman-Doppler imaging of active stars
V. Sensitivity of maximum entropy magnetic maps to field orientation
J.-F. Donati and S.F. Brown
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1135-1142 (1997).
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Observation and modelling of main sequence stellar chromospheres.
VI. H and Ca II line observations of M1 dwarfs and comparison with models
E.R. Houdebine and H.C. Stempels
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1143-1166 (1997).
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Diffuse matter in space (inclucing HII regions and planetary nebulae)
Alfvén wave support of a dwarf molecular cloud.
I. Anisothermal model
C.E. Martin, J. Heyvaerts, and E.R. Priest
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1176-1186 (1997).
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Morphology and expansion characteristics of the planetary nebula M1-79
W. Saurer
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1187-1194 (1997).
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Dynamical evolution of wind-driven H II regions in strong density gradients
F. Comerón
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1195-1214 (1997).
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Physical association between the Southern Coalsack and the Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds
W.J.B. Corradi, G.A.P. Franco, and J. Knude
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1215-1227 (1997).
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The Sun
Nonlocal communication in self-organising models of solar flare occurrence
A.L. MacKinnon, and K.P. Macpherson
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1228-1234 (1997).
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Solar rotation inversions and the relationship between a-coefficients and mode splittings
F.P. Pijpers
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1235-1240 (1997).
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Absorption of magnetosonic waves in presence of resonant slow waves in the solar atmosphere
V.M. ade , Á. Csík, R. Erdélyi, and M. Goossens
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1241-1251 (1997).
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Triggering of magnetic reconnection in the current sheet by shock waves
D. Odstr il and M. Karlický
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1252-1258 (1997).
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Numerical simulations of coronal particle trapping
Lyndsay Fletcher
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1259-1267 (1997).
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The solar system
Rotation of comet 46P/Wirtanen
K.J. Meech, J.M. Bauer, and O.R. Hainaut
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1268-1276 (1997).
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Celestial mechanics and astrometry
A statistic for describing pulsar and clock stabilities
Demetrios N. Matsakis, J. H. Taylor, and T. Marshall Eubanks
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 924-928 (1997).
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Physical and chemical processes
On collimation of the outflows in force-free magnetospheres
I. Okamoto
Astron. Astrophys. 326, P 1277-1284 (1997).
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© European Southern Observatory (ESO) 1997
Online publication: October 1, 1997
Last change: April 8, 1998 |