Mirror Sites
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =

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Unfortunately, the home location of the site is still hosted on the Eskimo.com ISP under the blooberry.com banner, due to a miscalculation of the cost of transferring it to Europa.com. A mirror does exist at my other account at Europa.com which is generally much faster. There are also several other mirror sites now around the world to help make access faster than the clunky Eskimo. If you are having access problems, give one of the other sites a try.
Original: Blooberry.com    Location: Washington, USA
Mirror: Europa.com    Location: Oregon, USA
Mirror: WebMonster Networks    Location: Texas, USA
Mirror: University of Saskatchewan    Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Mirror: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory    Location: Didcot, U.K.
Mirror: University of Western Sydney Nepean    Location: Penrith, Australia
Mirror: Xtreme Systems    Location: Melbourne, Australia
Mirror: The Plug    Location: Auckland, New Zealand

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