Thanks To...
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =

Main Index | Element Tree | Element Index | HTML Support History

There are many who have helped me create these documents, in the form of advice or suggestions as well as sanity checking and proof-reading. In no particular order...
  • Ronald and "Engineer Dave" for providing tons of ideas, encouragement and content as well as feedback as to whether the pages were readable to the common man.
  • Stephen LeHunte, who creates the HTML Reference Library (which is a wonderful resource.) Through many emails on the latest goings-on in HTML he has been the only one to not have that glazed over, bored, "uh-huh" response to conversations about this subject. =) He also was kind enough to let me borrow heavily from his site license concept and wording (thankyouthankyou.)
  • The HTML Writer's Guild. Way cool feedback going on in those lists for HTML authors.
  • Tim Berners-Lee. For sending a response regarding the early days of HTML when I ran into a bunch of dead links on the subject on the web. Oh, and of course he also created the WWW and HTML - For that we should all be grateful! =)
  • The Mirror Site Maintainers. For the space and their time - all donated. The web isn't totally commercialized yet.
  • There were many others that kept me pointed in the right direction, gave feedback and alerted me to undocumented browser behaviors. If I tried to list them all, I would inevitably forget someone. For all of you, this is a general, genuine THANKS!! =)

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