The BR element explicitly indicates that a line break be placed in a
section of content. This overrides the typical HTML behavior which lets the
browser decide when to put linebreaks in a document. The same indentation
level applied to the previous line will be applied to the new line of content.
This attribute was added to deal with floating images produced through
the Left and Right
ALIGN attributes to the IMG element. It can now be used for effect in any
situation where floating elements exist [images, objects, spacers, tables, etc.]
Values: None
[DEFAULT - No special line breaking
effects are applied relative to the floating element -just a
normal break.] Left [breaks line and
moves down vertically until there is a clear left margin] Right [breaks line and
moves down vertically until there is a clear right margin] All [breaks line and
moves down vertically until both margins are clear of images.]
<p>This is a line of text with a linebreak here.
<br> This is text after</p>
If you use a BR at the end of a block structuring element (ex:
BLOCKQUOTE) or block structuring sub element (ex: LI), you may need
to use two consecutive line breaks to produce a visual space in a
document. This is because there is already an implied line break at
the end of block structures.
Note: Style Sheet attributes are
not listed for the BR element because of a caveat listed in the
Cascading Style Sheets specification - The break element is a 'Replaced
Element' that is replaced in the document with a line break and thus
has no properties.