RGB Color Values
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [bloo@blooberry.com] =

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Color References as HTML Tag Attribute Values
Colors are represented by a triplet of hexidecimal values representing the Red, Green and Blue hue components of a given color. The range of each hue value can be 00-FF Hex (0-255 Decimal) allowing a possible color palette of 16 million colors if the operating system or video card supports that many.

Color Reference Syntax
The values are used in HTML in this format:
where RR, GG and BB are the respective hexadecimal values for Red, Green and Blue concatenated together. Some browsers can also recognize this color value without the "#" symbol present, but this is not recommended.
Tags That Use Color Attributes
<Basefont>, <Body>, <Font>, <Hr>, <Marquee>, <Table>, <Td>, <Th>, <Tr>, <Thead>, <Tbody>, <Tfoot>

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