The nestable FIELDSET element is used to group related form
fields together. The grouping of form fields allows for a more
intuitive visual user interface while also giving speech-based navigation
methods better cues of how to render a page.
The suggested rendering for the FIELDSET element is left to the browser,
but will usually take the form of a box around the contents of the FIELDSET.
If the optional LEGEND element is present
directly after the opening FIELDSET tag, its contents are transposed on top of
the region of the FIELDSET bounding box specified in the ALIGN attribute
of the LEGEND element.
Note: The reference for Internet Explorer 4.0
lists the ALIGN attribute as valid. In experimenting with the FIELDSET
element it DOES appear to have some effect on the FIELDSET
itself, not on the contents of the FIELDSET as documented. The effect
it has is just barely discernible, but it is trying to do SOMETHING
with this attribute (but it doesn't appear to be succeeding very well =)