The MENU element represents a list of items typically having one line
per item. Though the common implementation of this element is usually the same as
an unordered list, the MENU style should be more compact. The only content
of this list structure is the <li> (list
item) element. As with other list structures, the closing
</li> tag is optional, as it is implied
by the subsequent <li> or end
</menu> tags.
This is a stand alone attribute flag that indicates a compact
rendering be used if possible, possibly because the list items
are small or the entire list is large.
Values: NA
<li>First item in the
<li>Second item in the
<li>Third item in the
There are almost never any display differences between a UL and a
MENU list. Recommend using UL because of its customizability.
DTD Note: The HTML 3.0 DTD listed DIR and MENU as
deprecated elements (this is why the common attributes are missing
support in HTML 3.0), but later HTML specifications show no signs
of moving in this direction.
Browser Peculiarities
The reviewed browsers make no distinction in display between a
UL and a MENU list.