
End Tag: Required
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2 | O
What is it?
Tag Example
Parent/Content Model
Tips & Tricks
Browser Peculiarities
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson [] =
Main Index | Element Tree | Element Index | HTML Support History

What is it?
The SPAN element is used in situations where the author wishes to apply a style using Cascading Style Sheets to a content area (text, etc.) that does not have a structured or established HTML rendering convention. It is an in-place Character Formatting level element that does NOT have an implied linebreak before and after the enclosed content. For more information on Style Sheets, please see the Style Sheet Guide.

The recent addition of the many linking attributes to DIV and SPAN appear to be an attempt to expand the generic block and in-line capabilities of these two elements.

Common Attributes
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE3 | M | N4B2 | O
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE4B1 | M | N | O
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE4 | M | N | O
<span CLASS="greensection" STYLE="color: lime">text within a span tag</span>
Parent Model
%In-line Parent% | %Block Parent%
Content Model
%In-line Content%
Tips & Tricks Browser Peculiarities
Boring Copyright Stuff...