
End Tag: Required
Support Key: 2 | 3 | 3.2* | 4 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2 | O
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What is it?
The STYLE element is one of the three methods used to include style information in an HTML document. The STYLE element is used in the document HEAD section to indicate style information for the entire document. If a LINK element exists (used to specify a style sheet external to the document) in conjunction with the STYLE element, the rules indicated in the STYLE section should be used instead of the LINK styles (i.e. it is independent of the style sheet cascading mechanism.)
For more information on Cascading Style Sheets, please see the Style Sheet Guide.

NOTE: Because this HEAD element requires a start and end tag, older browsers may end up displaying the style content it contains. In order to prevent this, it is STRONGLY recommended to embed this style information within the HTML Comment structure (<!-- -->)

Common Attributes
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE | M | N | O

Specific Attributes
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE4 | M | N | O
Required? No
This is a stand-alone attribute which indicates the style reference is initially non-functional.
Values: NA
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE4 | M | N | O
Required? No
This attribute is a keyword representing the intended rendering destination for the style sheet definitions. Multiple destinations are given delimited by commas.
screen [DEFAULT] - style information should be used for rendering to computer screens.
print - style information should be used for rendering to page-centric devices, ie: printed paper or print preview screen modes.
projection - style information should be used for rendering to transparent projected media devices.
braille - style information should be used for rendering to braille devices.
speech - style information should be used for rendering to speech synthesizers.
all - style information should be used for rendering to all devices.
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE | M | N | O
Required? No
This attribute is for use when other style sheet methods are specified. It allows the browser to build a menu of alternative style sheets (such as if one or more external Style Sheets are specified through use of the LINK element.) It may also be used to identify the Style Sheet in order to allow the user to have control over turning it on or off.
Values: An alphanumeric string
2 | 3 | 3.2 | 4 | IE3B1 | M | N4B2 | O
Required? Yes
This attribute indicates the Internet Media type (MIME) of the STYLE element content. This MIME type applies to style rules applied within the STYLE element area as well as to all inline styles in the current document specified by the STYLE attribute used in HTML elements.
Values: The current allowed values are text/css, and text/javascript.
    <title>Style Sheet Example</title>
<style TYPE="text/css">
    h1 {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 12pt;
    line-height: 14pt;
    font-family: helvetica;
    font-style: normal
    This is plain text
    <h1>This is Heading 1 affected by a style sheet</h1>
    This is plain text
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%Text% | <!-- -->
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