Equation of State in Stellar Astrophysics
SAHA-S project

SAHA-S7 data files

These data have been prepared from original SAHA-S version 7 data.

Download sets of data:

for AGSS09 mix (41 Mb)

for OPAL mix (41 Mb)

for GN93 mix (24 Mb)

for MB22 mix (41 Mb)


SAHA-S7 extended data files

These tables contain three additional variables, namely internal energy and derivatives of pressure and internal energy by hydrogen mass fraction X. Otherwise, they are the same.

saha_s7_extended.zip (127 Mb), compositions AGSS09, GN93, OPAL and data for Z=0.
saha_s7_mb22_extended.zip (49 Mb), composition MB22.

Data description: saha_s7_extended.pdf.