"On the large scale organization of a turbulent boundary layer
disturbed by a circular cylinder "
De Souza, F., Delville, J., Lewalle, J. and Bonnet, J.P.
The three conditional analysis techniques, applied to multi-point
measurements obtained with a rake of x-wires, have provided valuable
insight into the large scale organization of the turbulent boundary
layer disturbed by a cylinder. The WAG approach is the most easily
implemented, although the least objective, of the three techniques.
Nevertheless, it led to fairly accurate estimations of average structure
characteristics. Information on the instantaneous dynamics of the
organized flow was made available by the two filtering techniques
(spectral and wavelet techniques). In particular, the time-frequency
filter based on wavelet analysis permitted to extract and analyze
particular coherent events most objectively.
We conclude from these analyses that the domination of the upper
vortices shed from the cylinder is the key to the observed
dissimilarity between momentum and heat transfer in the disturbed
boundary layer.
Proceedings of Turbulent Shear Flows XI, Sept. 1997.
Jacques Lewalle, jlewalle@syr.edu